Författare: Greg Wright
Förlag: Fox Chapel Publishing
Mediatyp: Bok
Bandtyp: Book
Utgiven: 2008-03-06
Språk: Engelska
Antal sidor: 177
Vikt: 855g
ISBN: 1565233072
Celebrating Birch: The Lore and Craft of an Ancient Tree
Greg Wright (Book)
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Träteknik och träindustri (Ph)
Beskrivande text
If you think of birch as simply a wood to work with, think again. For centuries, this legendary tree has been vital to the survival of mankind and is celebrated by cultures around the world. In this stunning salute, the "North House Folk School" will delight your curiosity with the fascinating history and myths of the birch, while sharpening your woodworking skills with 15 beautiful projects that include carved ornaments, turned bowls, bark baskets and more.