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Författare: Sims-Williams Nicholas
Förlag: Oxford University Press
Mediatyp: Bok
Bandtyp: Hardback
Språk: Engelska
Antal sidor: 312
ISBN: 0197262856

Indo-Iranian Languages and Peoples

Sims-Williams Nicholas (Hardback)

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The exciting recent developments in our understanding of the history of the Indo-Iranian languages and their speakers are surveyed and assessed by a group of internationally renowned linguists and archaeologists. In the last few years the materials available for the study of the older Indo-Iranian languages have increased dramatically: there have been sensational discoveries of texts in the ancient languages of northwest India and northern Afghanistan. Previously known data has been exploited in new ways using innovative techniques for compiling, manipulating and disseminating electronic text and digital images. And archaeological finds in India, Pakistan and Central Asia have given rise to new hypotheses concerning the history and pre-history of the Indo-Iranian peoples.