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Författare: Nathe
Förlag: Prentice Hall
Mediatyp: Bok
Bandtyp: Paperback
Utgiven: 2010-01-04
Språk: Engelska
Antal sidor: 384
Upplaga: 3
Vikt: 762g
ISBN: 0135142059

Dental Public Health and Research

Nathe (Paperback)

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Written to reflect the changing role of the dental hygiene practitioner in the dental care delivery system, this brand new edition of Dental Public Health and Research 3/e provides students with the key tools needed to effectively position and practice dental hygiene in the public health setting. This book expands the knowledge base necessary for dental hygiene practitioners in the 21st century. Some new and exciting features of this updated edition include:


  • The chapter on dental care funding is expanded to focus on the current issues in dental care financing and the governmentís role in this area. 
  • A chapter on the importance of collaboration in dental care, building coalitions to help advocate for the oral health of all people and an introductory discussion on grant writing are included. 
  • The chapter on cultural diversity follows the chapter on target populations. 
  • The research unit is greatly expanded to provide detailed information on the study of dental hygiene research.   Areas of expansion include evidenced-based research, ethics in research, roles of government and private entities in dental research, oral epidemiology, and the measurement of oral diseases and conditions. 
  • Did you Know? boxes serve as a mental break for readers by providing interesting ìgee whizî information.


    This book is a perfect resource for dental hygiene practitioners.