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Författare: Susan Buck-Morss
Förlag: Univ of Pittsburgh Pr
Mediatyp: Bok
Bandtyp: Hardback
Utgiven: 2009-01-30
Språk: Engelska
Antal sidor: 164
Vikt: 340g
ISBN: 0822943402

Hegel, Haiti, And Universal History Hb

Susan Buck-Morss (Hardback)

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Kategori: Historiens filosofi (K:d)

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In this path-breaking work, Susan Buck-Morss draws new connections between history, inequality, social conflict, and human emancipation. "Hegel, Haiti, and Universal History" offers a fundamental reinterpretation of Hegel's master-slave dialectic and points to a way forward to free critical theoretical practice from the prison-house of its own debates.Historicizing the thought of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and the actions taken in the Haitian Revolution, Buck-Morss examines the startling connections between the two and challenges us to widen the boundaries of our historical imagination. She finds that it is in the discontinuities of historical flow, the edges of human experience, and the unexpected linkages between cultures that the possibility to transcend limits is discovered. It is these flashes of clarity that open the potential for understanding in spite of cultural differences. What Buck-Morss proposes amounts to a 'new humanism,' one that goes beyond the usual ideological implications of such a phrase. She asks us to embrace a radical neutrality that insists on the permeability of the space between opposing sides and reaches for a common humanity.