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Författare: Webber Teresa
Förlag: Oxford University Press
Mediatyp: Bok
Bandtyp: Hardback
Språk: Engelska
Antal sidor: 232
ISBN: 0198203087

Scribes and Scholars at Salisbury Cathedral c.1075-c.1125

Webber Teresa (Hardback)

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Kategori: (Ab-ez Salisbury: Cathedral library)

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This is a study of the books of Salisbury Cathedral and their scribes and readers in the late eleventh and early twelfth centuries. These manuscripts form the largest collection of manuscripts to have survived from any English center in the period following the Norman Conquest, and they bear witness to the energetic scribal and scholarly activities of a community of intelligent and able men. Webber traces the interests and activities of the canons of Salisbury Cathedral from the evidence of their books. She reveals to us a lively Anglo-Norman center of scholarship and religious devotion. Scholarly and original, this study combines detailed palaeographic research with an intelligent understanding of medieval cultural and intellectual life.