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Författare: Patrik Blomqvist
Förlag: BoD
Mediatyp: Bok
Bandtyp: Inbunden
Utgiven: 2012-05-19
Språk: Engelska
Antal sidor: 64
Upplaga: 1
Vikt: 336g
ISBN: 7463-040-4

Helveticabc - neue and eternal questions for those who already know their alphabet

Patrik Blomqvist (Inbunden)

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Kategori: (Aec)

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This is the ABC book for those who already know their alphabet. From A-Z Helveticabc deals with lifes big questions; Life, justice, death, aliens, karma, porn, rasism and more. Helveticabc is also the final showdown with Helvetica. It settles the score with the iconic typeface. Helvetica is always in your face, wherever you turn its there you just cant avoid it. Helveticabc dives deeper and take the font by the horns. Twisting, turning and vivisecting the letters youll find heads, tails, good, evil, gender and most likely the meaning of life.